Kursus i prækvalifikation og tilbud

Prequalification header

In it to win it

  • Indhold / ContentPrækvalifikation og tilbudskursus / Prequalification and PR course
  • Varighed / LengthEn dag / One day
  • Sted / LocationVermundsgade 40A, 3. , 2100 Kbh Ø
  • Samarbejde / CollaboratorsArkitektforeningen og Lambrecht / The Danish Association of Architects, Lambrecht
  • Pris / Price8.000 dkkr. ex. moms/vat per person
  • Sprog / LanguageDansk eller engelsk / Danish or English
  • Deltagerantal / Number of participantsMaximum 6
  • Tilmelding / Sign uphello@open-platform.dk
  • Dato / Date28/05/2024 (fuldt besat) or/eller 18/06/2024
  • Tid / time9:00 - 16:00

Byggebranchen har tendens til at bruge fagsprog uanset hvem man henvender sig til. Hvis du skal have bygherrer, brugerne og samarbejdspartnerne med, skal du udtrykke dig så de forstår dig. Et betydningsfuldt ord som “bæredygtighed” bliver tømt for mening, når det bruges i flæng uden at relatere sig til mennesker og behov. Det gælder både i firmaprofilen, ansøgninger og i den generelle promovering af firmaer. På vores kursus lærer du at oppe dit kommunikations game ved at blive opmærksom på hvem du taler til og ved at finde de smuthuller i dagens begrænsede platforme og udbud, som kan blive tungen på vægtskålen.

The building business tend to use technical jargon no matter who they address. If the client, the user or the collaborator don't understand what you are saying, say it differently. A significant word like “sustainability” becomes meaningless when used over and over without relating to people and needs. This applies to both the company profile and the acquisition material as well as to the general promotion of a company. This course teaches you how to up your communications game by being aware of who you're talking to and by finding the significant loopholes in the limited platforms and procurement document of today.

Course instructor Jennifer is a skilled educator with more than ten years experience in teaching architects, engineers and contractors. Here in a workshop at The Association of Danish Landscape Architects in October 2020.

Photo: Nina Trock Jansen