Sydhavn Church

Let us make a Church for God and Man
- LocationCopenhagen, DK
- ProgramChurch
- ClientSydhavn Sogns Menighedsråd
- Size2.000 m²
- YearCompetition 2016
Michelangelo’s masterpiece ”Creation of Adam” depicts the moment when God breathes life into Adam.
God said: “Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us”. (Genesis 1:26)
In our proposal for a new church in the South Harbor district of Copenhagen, the lives of God and man are juxtaposed.
The program of the church is divided into two halves: one for religious ceremonies, the other one for cultural events.
In architecture, there is an ongoing battle between the holy and the profane – pragmatism versus the ideal and beautiful. God and man are per definition different. So how do we create a building serving both?
Like in Michelangelo’s rendering of the biblical scene, the distinction between God and man may easily be comprehended. But at the same time, the image of the two is almost blurred, due to the high similarity of the male figures.

Half and half
The program is split i two. One part church, one part parish hall. One part for God, the other one for man.
The intention to mix these two functions in one building is a perfect expression of what The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark is all about . A church that is trying to stay relevant for people - and while dooing so are blurring the line between man and God. Gay marriage, rock services, harvest services, children’s services, night church and spaghetti services, is all part of the program. And the architecture for a new church building should reflect that. Or at least explore the boarder between Man and God.

1000 m² Man. 1000 m² God